Our Natural Environment can be defined as the section which God created for man's survival.The term Ecology is often used interchangeably.
Man unfortunately, in several instances has been destroying our natural wonder in the pursuit of financial gain.. The outward sign which has been predominant, is the obvious fact that there is no form of appreciation or care, and large areas are being destroyed on a regular basis. Yes there are laws being place, in reguards to chemical emissions, yet the degradation continues in other areas.
The major influence which has depicted the pace at which the earth's natural beauties are being destroyed ,is the encroachment of man-made features and designs, quarring, and dumping of chemicals as well as household refuse. Scientific studies have proven the deathtrimental effects of such actions on the ecocosystems worldwide. Click here for video
Lack of education and understanding about the organization of Biomes ( a large naturally occuring community of flora and fauna occupying a major habitat, e.g. tundra or forrested regions) e.g. swamps have led to increased degradation of these areas into vertual wastelands.
The Environmental Management Authories (EMA) and other local support groups are trying ernestly to rectify the situation in certain areas of Trinidad and Tobago.
To be quite honest the real effects of change would be not noted until the ideals held by members of our communities,are altered through education, the enforcement of legistion and the direct efforts on everyones' part to perserve our environment ,before there is none worth perserving.